Student Designed Hybrid Rocket

Role: Rockets Co-Lead
Dates: Sep 2020 - Present

The Columbia Rocketry Team (the largest project in the student club Columbia Space Initiative) is a 50-person team that designs and manufactures advanced hybrid rockets to reach 30,000 ft with a scientific payload. This work culminated in our first-ever launch at Spaceport America in June of 2023. I am responsible for organizing meetings, goals, and project timelines with team members and team leads, and have kept the Rocketry Team three months ahead of previous years’ design cycles. I also coordinate internal design and integration meetings, fostering collaboration and creative ideas, and external communication with industry partners to raise over $15,000 in sponsorships. In previous years, I worked on and led the avionics team of Rockets, designing and manufacturing the rocket recovery system, ground station, and leading integration.
Video by Jorge Casas

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